Anytime someone starts a conversation with “When I was recovering from my first brain tumor…” I stop to listen. Its what I call “a hook,” especially when that person is one of our most popular Public Greens’ staff members who also happens to be one of the city’s most beloved yoga teachers. Jocelin Romero faced a situation that would have left lesser people angry, bitter and dejected. Instead, she came out on the other side of several operating tables a much calmer, more satisfied and seriously grateful human. Jocelin says she is most thankful for “life, for the sun coming up in the morning” and for the people and communities that helped her along the way. Her parents and friends were there for her. So was the yoga community, supporting her in full force by conducting a healing circle (don’t mock it—you may need one one day) along with a fund-raising class. Her former employer and staff members at Ambrosia were also giving and supportive. Jocelin worked at it too: yin yoga, acupuncture, energy work, psycho-kenesiology, meditation, serious medical care, mindful nutrition and what she calls her “secret weapon” all contributed to her full recovery. Now, healthy and vibrant, you can find her behind the counter at Public Greens, teaching yoga at CityYoga, riding her bike around town or hiking with her dog. So, the “secret weapon”? “… to always smile! Especially when you don’t feel like it or things aren’t going your way as planned because it is contagious and how can things be so bad if you are smiling?” — MSH #howdoyoudefineabundance#itwonthurtyoutosmile#ittakesavillage#patachoupeopleproject